
Here you will find answers to some of the questions you might have regarding usage of our logos etc.

I have tried everything now, and I cannot get your logos to load into any of my drawing programmes or picture viewers. I have tried with Paint Shop Pro 5.0MS PaintACDSeeLview Pro and many others, but none of them will read your logos. And yes, I _have_ unzipped them first. What am I doing wrong?
You are simply using the wrong programmes. All our logos are saved in Adobe Illustrator 5.0/5.5 format and can only be read with a programme that can read Illustrator files. None of the programmes you mention can. You will experience the best results with Adobe Photoshop, but you can of course also read the logos with Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw (which are both vector drawing programmes) and export them from there, eventhough the result might not be as good. Paint Shop Pro 6.01 is also an option, but the logo will need to be converted to Illustrator 8.0 format in RGB colours first. A last option is saving the logo as .EPS (from Illustrator or Corel Draw) which older versions of Paint Shop Pro are also able to read, eventhough the result is not very good.
Are your logos readable in desktop programmes like Quark Express and Adobe Pagemaker?
Yes, both Quark Express and Adobe Pagemaker read our logos without problems.
I have made a Flash video with my favourite club’s logo. I have used a GIF file that I had, but the result is rather poor. Especially when the logo is zoomed in. Can I use your scalable logos in Flash?
Yes, our logos are perfect for Flash videos. Flash can read them without problems, and since the logos are scalable, they will always look bright and clear in the Flash video. Also when zoomed in.
I get the following message from my Photoshop: “Could not open the document because the parser module cannot parse the file.” What is wrong?
All our logos are made viewable in Photoshop 3.0 and newer. If you are using an older version ofPhotoshop than 3.0, that could be the answer. Otherwise the logo file could be corrupt. Please contact us if you find a corrupt logo.
What is the purpose of using .AI (Illustrator) files instead of GIFs or JPEGs? If you want them big, you could just put big GIF files on the page.
That is true, but GIFs and JPGs take up a lot of space. Especially when they are big. .AI files use the same amount of space no matter how big or small you want them. Doing this we do not limit your use of the logos either. If for instance you wanted to make a Manchester United wall painting, no GIF orJPG would be big enough anyway. The .AI always is, as you can just scale it to whatever size you want without loss of quality. Click here to see the clear difference between a scaled bitmap and a scaled vector logo.
What is the difference between bitmap and vector graphics and why do you use vector graphics?
There is a big difference between bitmap and vector graphics. Bitmap graphics is what you would know as for instance GIFJPG/JPEGBMPTIFF or PCX (as well as many others). This kind of graphics is composed by a lot of small dots (pixels) which together form an image. A piece of vectorgraphics is composed by a number of points with lines drawn between them. A 16×16 pixels square would contain 256 points in bitmap graphics. In vector graphics a square would always contain only 4 points (one in each corner) regardless of size.
Can I use your logos or other vector objects directly on my website?
No, as long as web browsers only know GIF and JPG graphics, that is not possible, so you would have to convert the logos to bitmap in Photoshop first and then put them on your site.
How do I convert your logos to bitmap using Photoshop?
Read our “How to use…” step-by-step tutorial also found on this site.
Why do I sometimes see an image saying that it was stolen from HQFL? This is HQFL!!
LeecherYes, you’re right, and of course you see that image by mistake. To avoid that someone links directly to our logos (also called leeching) instead of uploading the images to their own server and therefore steals our precious bandwidth, we have had to take this step. Unfortunately sometimes the server is a bit too fast and does not recognize itself as being the correct server, and therefore the image to the right is shown instead of the logos. Loading another country usually solves the problem, and you can then go back to the logos that showed wrong in the first place. They should now look right.
What is the best programme to use if I want to make some logos of my own?
I would not hesitate recommending Adobe Illustrator which I use myself. Other vector drawing programmes I know are Corel Draw and Macromedia Freehand. Bottom line is that a vector drawing programme is no. 1 when it comes to designing logos.
Why are there so few English logos on HQFL?
The English football association (arrogant enough to call themselves just “The FA”) have decided to dislike HQFL and the work we do. Consequently they have demanded removal of ALL logos related to English clubs, the FA themselves and competitions arranged by them, unless HQFL has got specific permission from the clubs to display their logos. If we did not follow their demand, they would press charges against us for copyright infringement. As we cannot even afford the trip to the court, we had no choice but to follow their demand, eventhough we disagree with a number of their viewpoints.You can file a complaint from here and tell the FA to send you the logos instead. Don’t forget to tell the FA how much you disapprove of their action against a free service run by fans for the fans!

I am a Mac user, and I can’t seem to download your logos. When I click a logo, I just get a file called “download.php“. Am I doing anything wrong?
No, you are certainly not doing anything wrong. The problem you are discribing is an isolated Mac problem caused by an error in your web browser, so there is nothing that WE can do about it (trust me – we have tried everything!!). Fortunately the solution is easy. The “download.php” file you have downloaded IS the correct file with the logo in it, but due to the error in your browser, the file is given a wrong name. Just rename the file to whatever name it should have (eg “bayern.zip”) and then run it through StuffIt to decompress the file. Inside you will find the Illustrator file safe and sound and ready to use.

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